How it all began

Sharing the origin story of how a mother of two children, building a successful full time career escaped the mom guilt, overwhelm and life stresses to become a super mom. Like many origin stories, you need to rewind the tape to see how all the dots connect to current day.

Jenny's story

South Dakota Living

Jenny was born and raised in Sioux Falls, SD and recently moved out to the country to a hobby farm. The garden is small (for now), the chickens lay plenty of eggs and the rest of the animals enjoy roaming the land which is rich in wildlife. She lives there with her husband of almost 19 years and her two teenage sons.

Life Is NOW

In her early 20’s, Jenny came face to face with her mortality as she watched her mother battled breast cancer and fight for her life. Her mom was her biggest cheerleader, a huge part of her support system and a sounding board for all her ideas and dreams. When Jenny's mother was healed in Heaven, she was left with a very real void in her life. The pitch and catch, mother-daughter relationship she had relied on was gone. It was time to discover who she was and what she wanted her life to be about.

After her mother’s passing, she got engaged to the love of her life and soon after married him and started a family while she and her hubby both finished their degrees and graduated from college.

In about one year, she went from losing her mother, speaking at her mother's funeral, getting engaged over one holiday weekend and getting married over another holiday weekend, giving birth to their first son and a few days later graduating with a Bachelors of Science from South Dakota State University.

As a mom working full-time building the life society and her folks had told her was desirable, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling she was meant for more…

Have you ever felt this way?

Well, as the old saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears…

Glad you are here!

Back in 2019 Jenny was stressed out, 20 pounds heavier than she is today and had that nagging feeling that mediocrity was creeping into her life. It's an uncomfortable feeling for sure. Maybe you've felt something similar.

She knew it was time to do some deep work and figure out her purpose. Her TRUE purpose for being here. There were a lot of tears, a lot of self-doubt, a lot of negative self-talk along the way, but ultimately, Jenny followed what her mentors and coaches told her and stood up, took charge and

ultimately found her fire!

The best part is if she can do it, so can you!!

Stepping into your confidence and feeling empowered is not just for the super rich or highly accomplished women of this world. It is for you too and it is your birth rite.

Before we jump into the work, let's take a look at how Jenny is here before you today.

That nagging feeling grew stronger. At this point she knew she needed to find out what it meant, so she began praying, researching, taking courses in leadership and personal development, psychology, and so much more. Her "teachers" ranged from her church youth pastor, family members, best-selling authors, motivational speakers, leadership gurus, transformational life coaches and more! This journey to self-discovery was marked with many defining moments, hard lessons, beautiful realizations and so much more. Jenny was bathed in the Refiner’s fire and some days it felt uncomfortable and HOT!

But still she would not quit! Jenny needed to know why she had this unquenchable thirst. After much, prayer and petition, the Lord revealed to her the Vision for her life and it far bigger than her and at first she was filled with fear. Think Jonah and the whale, although she didn't hop in a fish.

Maybe you have felt this fear take hold of you too.

Jenny wondered how she could possibly be "the one" to bring this vision to life!

Fear is a liar. It will have you play small and trick you into surviving your life. Jenny was NOT going to model a life of fear for her children, so she told the Lord she would be faithful. In that moment, Jenny stepped into the calling with full trust that the path God had for her would be revealed each day.

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